The Colorado Musicians Union is a group of musicians committed to performing for no less than $100/person/night in CO, to limit the amount of options venues have to pay below a living wage. No dues, no insurance, simply a wage commitment and a commitment to improving the social and economic conditions of our Colorado music scene, as we’ve outlined on this website. Working closely with other labor organizations, we’ve organized musicians, music-workers, lawyers, labor organizers, supporters, etc. throughout the Colorado frontrange, committed to contributing and improving our community through solidarity and collectivisation.

Covid-19, years of austerity, higher rents, stagnating gig wages, a devastated recording industry, and many other reasons inspired this group of musicians to organize into the Colorado Musicians Union. Above all, it was the growing signs of our great music-scene disappearing, as our rents and living expenses climbed while wages stagnated. We are seeking musicians, music-workers, and supporters to join our union and weigh-in on our projects and help make the changes you, your bandmates, friends, and fans wish to see in the Colorado music scene.